Search Results
Living History (B-24 and B-17 at Palomar (KCRQ))
B17 Landing at KCRQ
Last landing of B-17 Fortress at Chattanooga 3-26-15
B24 Witchcraft at Buchanan Field Concord 2009 06 07 Landing and Taxi In
B17 Texas Raiders starts up Chattanooga 3-24-2015 belching smoke
R44 Raven 11 approach and landing KCRQ
B-17 Aluminum Overcast engine start
B-24 Landing
B-24 diamond lil taking off
Aluminum Overcast B-17 landing at Oak Island
B-17 Fortress Two Seven Charlie liftoff Chattanooga 930am 3-26-15 CAF Texas Raiders
(4K) 8 MINS of Spotting at San Diego McClellan Palomar Airport, California (CLD/KCRQ) | 3/30/2023